In my early 30s, a friend studying to become a hypnotherapist asked if I would be willing to have a hypnotherapy session with her. She needed a practice client, and although I didn’t know what to expect, I was curious and agreed.

When I arrived at her home, she invited me to relax in a comfortable recliner. She began by asking about what was happening in my life and where I might need support. I shared my discomfort with being noticed and my tendency to make myself small and hold back. After some initial questions, she began speaking in a calm, melodic voice, and I started to relax.

As she delved into my discomfort and fear of being noticed, I suddenly remembered an experience from when I was around 12 years old. I had been bullied at school by three boys because of the way I walked. I walked pigeon-toed due to a condition called hip dysplasia, and I wore leg braces at home to correct my femur bones. I feared that someone would discover my braces, and I kept this secret to myself.

Reconnecting with this memory allowed me to release repressed feelings and recognize a belief formed from that experience: that staying quiet and making myself small was a way to stay safe. This strategy had been useful in the past but was no longer serving me or aligning with my current situation.

With the hypnotherapist’s guidance and my adult perspective, I was able to understand that the boys’ behavior likely stemmed from their own inner pain. I found it within myself to forgive them and soothe my scared inner child who had been hiding and afraid of being noticed.

After the session, I felt lighter, as though I had released a burden. I was surprised by the deep memory that emerged and relieved to let go of some heavier feelings I had been carrying. 

A year later, my daughter discovered stilt walking and offered to teach me. I agreed to try it and found that I enjoyed it. The exhilaration of being so high up and seeing everything from a new perspective was incredible. I began stilt walking in parades and festivals, often the center of attention. I loved interacting with children and seeing their joy. 

One day, as I was putting on my stilts, I noticed how much they resembled the leg braces from my childhood. It was a revelation to realize that instead of feeling uncomfortable about being seen, I was now choosing to be noticed. This newfound comfort with myself allowed me to engage with the world in a completely new way. It was a significant breakthrough for me.

Welcome to a space dedicated to exploring the depths of your soul and unlocking the mysteries of your past. As a Certified Transpersonal Clinical Hypnotherapist, specializing in Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy, I’m passionate about guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Ready to delve deeper? Schedule your free consultation today and embark on a transformative journey with Elisa Shine Hypnotherapy