Furthering her interest in expanding human consciousness, Elisa experienced out of body exploration with the Monroe Institute, gaining knowledge and experience about the non-physical realm.

Elisa’s interest in developing her ability to support others guided her to study Non-Violent Communication and Focusing, techniques to open up the inner world of deeper feelings and intuition with the goal to listen to others with greater empathy.

The driving question, “what is my purpose here?” led Elisa to the discovery of the spiritual regression work of Michael Newton. Directing her to experience significant past lives with the assistance of a hypnotherapist specializing in past life regression and life between lives hypnotherapy. Her world opened in beautiful, unexpected ways as she connected with a higher intelligence. A desire blossomed within Elisa to support others in this way.

She trained with Bryn Blankinship, Int’l Instructor with The Michael Newton Institute and Author of “The Limitless Soul.” Elisa is a training assistant and a member of the certification review team for the HypnoRegression Institute.

Elisa loves the places where she can connect to the power of nature. Living in the mountains of British Columbia provides her with the unique opportunity to connect with wildlife on a daily basis, deepening her connection to the earth, her heart and intuition.

She embraces a heart centered approach, specializing in helping people break free from limiting patterns so that they can awaken, remembering their purpose and move through life in a fulfilling way with grace, confidence and ease. Elisa brings deep empathy and compassion to her Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives work. She is passionate about supporting others in their wonderful, personal transformation.



Education and Training:

Focusing Oriented Therapy, 2009

HypnoSkillsets, HypnoRegression Institute, 2019

Past Life Regression, HypnoRegression Institute, 2019

Clinical Hypnosis, Past Life Awakening Institute, 2020

Past Life Regression Therapy, Past Life Awakening Institute, 2021

Between Lives Regression Therapy, Past Life Awakening Institute, 2021

Life Between Lives, The Michael Newton Institute, 2022